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Amber Portwood Loses Custody Of 4 Year Old Son James

Amber Portwood Loses Custody of 4-Year-Old Son James

Indiana Judge Rules in Favor of Child's Father

In a recent court ruling, an Indiana judge has granted custody of 4-year-old James Andrew Portwood to his father, Andrew Glennon. The ruling comes after a lengthy legal battle between Glennon and Portwood, the child's mother and former star of the reality TV show "Teen Mom OG."

Custody Dispute and Court's Decision

The custody dispute between Portwood and Glennon has been ongoing for several months. Glennon filed for custody in March 2022, alleging that Portwood was not providing a stable and safe home for James. In court documents, Glennon cited concerns about Portwood's mental health and substance abuse issues.

After considering the evidence and testimony presented in the case, the judge ruled in Glennon's favor. The ruling grants Glennon primary physical and sole legal custody of James. The child will reside with Glennon in California.

Portwood's Reaction and Mental Health Concerns

Portwood has expressed disappointment and sadness over the court's decision. She has stated that she believes her mental health issues were used against her in the case. Portwood has a history of mental health struggles and has been open about her experiences with depression, anxiety, and postpartum depression.

Experts have pointed out that while mental health issues can play a role in custody decisions, they must be carefully evaluated and considered in the context of the child's best interests. The judge in this case likely determined that Glennon could provide a more stable and supportive environment for James.
